There is No Magic Ingredient To Becoming Healthy
/It’s not one ingredient that makes the cake. It’s the combination. Leave a certain ingredient out, or put in too much of another and you might ruin the entire batch.
There are other ingredients you can leave out all together and you might not even notice
Your results are the best when the mix is right.
Often people want to go all in on one specific thing to get to the change they so desire.
You don’t need to work out seven days a week.
You don’t need to work 80 hours a week.
“Focus on becoming a little better every day, and you’ll realize that the search for a magic ingredient may well have the thing that was keeping you from progress all along. ”
You don’t need to eat like a rabbit or subscribe to a fad diet where you restrict entire food groups or buy special shakes & teas, do cleanses or stop having a social life.
You do, however, need to work towards finding the right mix. The mix that works for you and your lifestyle.
You need to find a mix that is sustainable.
You need to find a mix that is a step in a better direction from where you are right now.
You don’t need to do a lot more; you just need to do a little more.
Sleep a little more. Work out a little more. Work a little more efficiently. Eat a little better. Drink a little less alcohol.
Little things all stacked up and pointing you in the right direction are what pay off huge in the long run.
Focus on the little things. Focus on creating a mix for yourself that’s habit based and sustainable.
Once you’ve got your habits just a little better, you can decide if you want to tweak your mix a little further or if you’re happy with your new, better, place.
You need to stop searching for the one magic ingredient, as it doesn’t exist.
Focus on becoming a little better every day, and you’ll realize that the search for a magic ingredient may well have the thing that was keeping you from progress all along.
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Passionately improving the lives of those around him through an uncannily relatable approach to health and wellness, Alex Cibiri of Element has been a hub in the growth of both CrossFit and the micro-gym industry in Canada. With a focus on creating lasting change through the pursuit of fitness and other meaningful life experiences, Element is changing lives through revolutionized personal and small-group training across both virtual and physical environments.