Experience the Malton BIA's "Reflections In The Sky" virtual event on July 3rd at 10pm
/Photo by Ann Barclay
Malton is a community that understands hard work, during the pandemic we continued to work in essential industries while coping with high rates of COVID. Malton stayed strong, finding ways to help each other with food drives, pop up clinics and bike programs. Reflecting on this, on what our community can be as we emerge from this into a new and changed normal is an important step forward.
While we still need to be apart, we can use music, and light to be together. As signs of hope, the bright future that is ahead and reminders that we will soon be able to be together.
Mississauga artists will be sharing their music, set to a backdrop that is sure to inspire awe.
Together as we celebrate this amazing place, we call home and the people we share it with, let us also recommit ourselves to doing the hard work to right our past wrongs and build a better future for everyone.
Join The Noble Rogues, Elyse Saunders and Bree Taylor online at 10pm on Saturday, July 3rd by clicking here for the live streamed video as we demonstrate how vibrant Malton is across the whole city.