The Dos and Don’ts of Buying Presents for Children
It doesn’t matter if you are a parent, a doting relative, or a family friend, buying presents for children is never easy. One of the reasons for this is that there are now more toys, books, and kiddie-based items than ever before. Thus, it can be a nightmare to select just one.
Not to mention, you also have to pick something that you can be certain that the child in question can enjoy. This becomes rather tricky if you don’t know too much about the little one. Fortunately, however, there is no need to worry.
Below, you will find all of the dos and don’ts of buying kids presents:
Do Ask Them What They Want
It is natural to be hesitant to ask what a child wants for a special occasion. This is because younger kids may ask for outrageous presents. Or, they may request something that they already have. Still, it is a good idea to get their opinion on what present is best.
At the very least, consider what the child’s interests are. Do they like dinosaurs, playing doctor, or engaging in art projects? Perhaps they have a cartoon or movie character that they really like. While kids may not always be able to tell you exactly what they want, they will be able to point you in the right direction.
Now, if you aren’t shopping for your own child, always make sure to double-check with their parents first. You will then be able to discover whether or not the little one already has the toy they are requesting.
Don’t Buy Presents Too Early
This probably goes against everything you stand for! After all, if you want to be prepared or save money, shopping earlier on in the year is always a good idea. However, what you aren’t taking into consideration is that most kids forget about toys that they asked for weeks or months earlier.
If you were to check in with them again, there is a good chance that they have changed their minds about what they want. This is typically because kids get sucked in by various toy trends that are being marketed. They can also get hooked on toys or items based on movies that have just been released.
Due to this, you shouldn’t try to stock up on presents too early, because you will just end up being disappointed. So, make sure to wait for a few weeks until the big event before asking a child what he or she wants. This way, they really will be excited when they open up their presents!
Do Pay Attention to Age
It’s easy to look at a particular toy and imagine that any child can play with it. This, unfortunately, isn’t necessarily the case. Most items are designed with a specific age range in mind. Thus, children below this age will not have the capabilities to engage with the item. Older children, on the other hand, will probably be bored with it.
So, if you are looking for gifts for young girls or young boys, take their age into consideration. This is especially important for kids below the age of 10. Remember, they will have limitations with elements such as language. And really small children may have restrictions with hand-eye coordination. Thus, don’t buy something that is too advanced or too easy.
Don’t Rely on Fancy Toys
As toys become more technologically advanced, it is natural to want to buy the fanciest toy out there. After all, what child wouldn’t love a toy robot or something equally as cool to play with? Well, the research is in and apparently, fancy toys aren’t as great as everyone might imagine.
If this sounds shocking to you, consider the facts. Kids, by their very nature, are problem-solvers. How many times have you seen a child take a box or some kind of container and pretend that it is any number of things? A child’s imagination, unlike a toy, is unlimited.
In turn, this also means that simpler toys can actually be more educational for kids. For one thing, these “open-ended” toys ensure that your kids are able to explore the world around them in a variety of ways. They aren’t restricted by what the toy can and can’t do.
The best piece of expert advice to follow is, “look for a toy that is 10 percent toy and 90 percent child”. Thus, look for an item that your kid is able to command and engineer – not the other way around.
Do Consider Longevity
There are few things more annoying than finding a so-called beloved toy discarded only a few days after it was bought. Unfortunately, this is a familiar situation with most kids. The truth is that many children quickly lose interest in their toys.
This is why you should always consider what an item can do before you buy it. Stay away from toys that have just one function. The novelty tends to wear off rather quickly. Instead, always look for toys that can be used in a variety of ways.
For instance, imagine that you like to buy some kind of kit for your child. Look at how many different variations there are within it. The more varying options there are, the better.
Don’t Buy Too Many Presents
If you are a parent, it can be tempting to go overboard with the presents, especially for a special occasion. However, while your child may seem excited about getting so many gifts at the same time, they will not feel the same way a few days later. After all, the euphoria experienced after getting a new present can wear off rather quickly.
So, try to limit the number of presents that you hand out. This way, they will be appreciated more by your children. Not to mention, you will know that everything you give them will be made use of.
These are the main dos and don’ts that you should adhere to when buying presents for children. You will then be able to select the right gift for any child every time.